- current insomniacs It is a problem that can happen to all genders and ages. Especially the working age and the elderly.
- in Chinese medicine Insomnia, in addition to having external factors affecting the mood May be caused by insufficient supply of nutrients to the body poor blood circulation in the body And may be caused by the work of organs within the body that do not work consistently. which can be balanced with herbs or acupuncture
Currently, insomnia It is a problem that can happen to all genders and ages. Especially the working age and the elderly. which symptoms of insomnia is unable to sleep normally Shorter duration of sleep than usual (generally less than 4-6 hours)
- Difficulty falling asleep (takes more than 30 minutes to go to bed)
- Falling asleep and waking up easily or falling asleep and waking up dreaming a lot
- Waking up and having difficulty falling asleep (waking up in the middle of the night more than 2 times or waking up before dawn and unable to go back to sleep)
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decreased sleep quality Until the point that I could not sleep at all all night. Makes me feel dizzy during the day, not refreshed, drowsy, exhausted, etc. It often affects daily life, work, study and health.
Causes of insomnia
Dr. Likhita Thongyam, a rehabilitation specialist at Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital and Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital, stated that the cause of insomnia may be caused by physical or mental disorder Or it may be caused by stressful situations that have been encountered for a long time. which modern medicine is called Nervous system disease affects sleep modern medicine classified insomnia into two groups:
- Non-chronic (acute) insomnia is often caused by emotional problems, stress, or physical illness.
- Chronic insomnia is often caused by one or more causes, such as psychiatric, medical, substance or drug, or primary sleep disorders.
Diagnosis of insomnia Chinese medicine edition
in Chinese medicine Insomnia, in addition to having external factors affecting the mood May be caused by insufficient supply of nutrients to the body poor blood circulation in the body And may be caused by the work of internal organs that do not work consistently. Associated organs such as heart, kidney, liver, spleen and gallbladder, which can be diagnosed primarily by asking for sleep history, such as having trouble falling asleep or waking up easily or having difficulty waking up and continuing to sleep. and in cases where the symptoms are so severe that they cannot sleep all night or with other symptoms such as headache, dizziness, palpitations, forgetfulness, fatigue, lack of energy, restlessness, dreaming, including anxiety and depression May be diagnosed together with the results of various laboratory tests.
Insomnia can be treated with acupuncture and herbs.
In the treatment of insomnia using Chinese medicine. It will diagnose the symptoms and treat with acupuncture to adjust the balance within the body. Or recommend the use of herbs that can be found online. come to supplement or use to cook Including making herbal teas that are easy to drink every day, such as Chinese jujube, Lingzhi mushroom, honey, dried longan, chamomile tea, some of which have properties as a tonic for related organs or have properties that help relax nerves and muscles, thereby helping To fall asleep easier
Treatment of insomnia with acupuncture
As for the acupuncture treatment, select the points that correspond to the symptoms of the patient who cannot sleep. After acupuncture, hold the needle for 20-40 minutes, then withdraw the needle. Let the patient continue the treatment 2-3 times a week, 1 course will do acupuncture 10 times. The duration of treatment depends on the severity and stage of insomnia, for example, acute insomnia may use treatment Only 1 course or about 1 month, but if it’s just a temporary insomnia, it may take less than 10 treatment periods and chronic insomnia may take more than 1 course of treatment.
*If the patient is treated with sleeping pills on a regular basis, the drug should not be stopped abruptly. Consult your doctor to gradually Reduce the dosage according to the doctor’s recommendation in conjunction with traditional Chinese medicine treatment.
Recommendations and prevention of insomnia
- Avoid turning on the television. or play communication devices before bedtime
- avoid daytime naps
- avoid heavy meals or food that is difficult to digest before bedtime
- If you can’t sleep Find something light to do, such as reading a book, listening to music, or meditating.
- avoid drinking coffee Caffeinated tea or soft drinks
- exercise regularly But should not exercise before bed.